I invite you to spend a few minutes going through the case studies below to better understand how my unique Pleasure Framework™ is changing people’s lives in as little as 12 weeks!

I invite you to spend a few minutes going through the case studies below to better understand how my unique Pleasure Framework™ is changing people’s lives in as little as 12 weeks!

From Guilt & Shame to Confidence in 12 weeks

Before working with Bia Bliss, Taka had unhealthy and limiting beliefs about himself, his sexuality and women.

❌ Taka was his own worst enemy. This created fear and insecurity around sex and intimacy, which prevented him from being in alignment with the men he wanted to be.
❌ Until this point, Taka’s relationship with his sexuality had been neglected and unhealthy for his whole life. It hurt to be this way: sabotaging his well-being and relationships.
❌ Taka has acted in accordance with his unhealthy beliefs his whole life, which kept reaffirming them, which made him believe them even more. Every relationship and sexual encounter felt like a bigger challenge.
❌ Taka was too entrenched in his beliefs on how things should be, and too arrogant to see that these beliefs were damaging to himself and others. The fear, guilt and shame around this have made him “frozen” whenever he wanted to take action and he kept sweeping it under the rug.
❌ Taka knew that the only thing getting in the way was himself, as no one outside of himself had control over this. He would keep repeating the cycle and keep damaging himself and others around him, feeling alone, damaged and unsatisfied with life, instead of feeling whole and authentic and confident.

This realization made him feel sad and ashamed of himself and he was determined to change this around.


✔️ Taka reclaimed his wholeness as a human being.
✔️ He gets to experience life fully and is now equipped with the tools to face anything that gets thrown his way.
✔️ He asks for what he wants and is having open and honest conversations, whereas before he was scared to speak up or felt guilty to ask for what he needed.
✔️ Sex is no longer a weird game of expectations that someone else created for him. He gets to call the shots and feels comfortable in his sexuality and pleasure.
✔️ He is now dating someone and is very pleased to report that he no longer has the issues that were playing out in his past relationship.

The Process

🎯 We created a 12-week customized road map for Taka.
🎯 Each week a bite-size tool or exercise was introduced, based on what Taka’s needs were at the time.
🎯 Taka implemented the tools he learned in the Pleasure Framework™️ into his life and started seeing results straight away. He learned how to stop people-pleasing and to set healthy boundaries for himself. This had a positive impact on his life. Those people who were benefiting from his people-pleasing behaviors weren’t very impressed with his new attitude.
🎯 This led Taka to have difficult conversations with people close to him. Fortunately, he learned all the skills he needed to have these conversations and honor his truth.
🎯 He learned to self-pleasure in ways that the whole body can be a source of pleasure and arousal, and “getting off” isn’t really the goal of pleasure anymore.
🎯 Because of this, Taka’s quality of life improved and he now experiences life and sexuality from a place of empowerment.

“After working with Bia for 12 weeks, my life is going in a good direction day by day, and I feel like I’m able to navigate it a lot better now that I have the Pleasure Framework™️ tools.
It’s pretty much impossible to ignore the feelings in my body now, so I always know if I’m in alignment or not. I’m eternally grateful for our time together and how my life has changed since then”. ~Taka

From Compulsive Porn Usage to Choice in 12 weeks


Before working with Bia Bliss, Norman tried to overcome his porn habit for decades, with sporadic success.
❌ Norman previously worked with several therapists, counsellors and 12-step program groups in the US, UK and Australia over the years, with short-term success, only to slip into a deeper hole after a few days.
❌ Masturbation was controlling Norman’s life. He felt that he was wasting his life away because he spent so much time and energy thinking about an outlet for his sexual urges.
❌ Norman’s inability to overcome this challenge brought major friction to his relationship with his wife of 35 years. She lost trust in him and the relationship.
❌ Overall, this left him feeling guilty, ashamed, unlovable and not wanting to be seen, which led to another cycle of compulsive porn binge, since Norman was using masturbation to self-soothe and keeping him trapped in the infinity loop (stress> > porn > dopamine hit > shame, guilt > stress)!


Within a couple of weeks of working together, Norman went from compulsively thinking about porn and binging every day for at least 30 minutes, to not watching porn every day and gradually achieving 12-14-16 and 30 consecutive days porn-free, with one slip in-between every time.
Norman’s relationship with his wife is on the mend, and their bond is now stronger since he is no longer spending most of his time and energy thinking about porn and masturbation. They get to enjoy quality time together in a way that is exciting and satisfying for both, and everyone’s needs are met.
Norman feels more in control of his sexual desires. Life feels more spacious since he no longer spends several hours a week watching porn or thinking about an outlet for his sexual urges.

Norman enjoyed working with me so much that he also joined the Pleasure Masterclass Group Coaching Program to support other men to change their relationship with porn.

The Process

🎯 We created a 12-week customized road map for Norman. Each week a bite-size tool or exercise was introduced, based on Norman’s needs.
🎯 We identified Norman’s unconscious patterns that led him into the infinity loop (stress> > porn > dopamine hit > shame, guilt > stress) keeping him stuck there for decades.
🎯 Norman learned the Pleasure Framework™ and was able to transition from compulsively watching porn and acting out on his sexual desires, to having a healthier relationship with his sexual energy.
🎯 He learned how to masturbate without porn or fantasy, to be more relaxed, at ease, and confident in his own skin, no longer wasting mental energy thinking about his sexual desires, and repaired the connection with his wife.
🎯 Ever since our work together, Norman experiences pleasure in a guilt and shame-free way. He now gets to choose if and when to watch porn and has a myriad of tools at his disposal to keep him on track.

“I cannot express the depth of my gratitude for how Bia Bliss has coached me to success, because I now feel mostly free, powerful and positive, and if I don’t feel in control, I know what to do and how to come back to choice, thanks to Bia’s Pleasure Framework™.” ~ Norman

From Stress & Porn to Confidence in 12 weeks


Before working with Bia Bliss, Toby’s dating life was challenging after heartbreak and a messy divorce. Toby noticed he was repeating the same patterns of behavior that led to his marriage breakdown, including:

❌ communication challenges
❌ not owning his authentic needs and wants, and
❌ using porn as an escape tool to get away from high-pressure situations momentarily, only to experience guilt and shame after a short hit of dopamine, leading to a repetitive cycle of watching porn to release stress.
❌ Dating, sex and masturbation became more of the same: unfulfilling and stagnant.

Toby realized that if he didn’t do anything about his current situation, he would run out of time, not reach his potential or fulfilment in relationships, and always wonder what could have been.


✔️ Toby can now address the root cause of stress and make the necessary changes in behavior.
✔️ Porn is no longer an escape to release stress.
✔️Toby gets to choose if and when to watch porn, and no longer feels guilt or shame after doing so.

The Process

🎯 When we started working together, we created a 12-week customized road map for Toby. Each week a bite-size tool or exercise was introduced.
🎯 Toby implemented the tools he learned in the Pleasure Framework™️ into his life and started seeing results straight away.
🎯 On week 3 he learned how to identify and express his authentic desires, and was able to stop wasting time with dates that weren’t a F*CK YES to non-monogamy. His tinder profile wasn’t as busy as before, but the quality of the women, and the conversations he was having went up by a tenfold.
🎯 When Toby began expressing his authentic desires and having the difficult conversations he had been avoiding for years, his stress levels went down, and so did his need to watch porn to release stress.
🎯 As the weeks went by, Toby gained clarity on what he actually wants when it comes to relationships and intimacy, and he is now enjoying dating like never before!

“Dating is helping me to connect with new people and enjoy their company in a manageable, fun and safe way. I am able to clearly communicate my boundaries, needs and desires. I no longer bite my nails or feel stressed about having to perform sexually. I am more curious than ever and have more mental energy to focus on my business and my daughter. I’m learning more about myself every day and working towards a more mindful way of being and relating”. ~Toby

Are you ready to be the next success story?